Dedicated to the memory of Colin White

This site is a tribute to Colin White. He is much loved and will always be remembered.


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Dad – 30-10-2019 Nothing really prepares you for losing your Dad – no matter how old we, or they are. Dad was a stubborn, exacting, practical, generous, kind, funny and compassionate man. He never really asked much of us, other than that we were happy and did our best. He loved his family very much and our happiness was worth almost any consequence – on the way to my wedding, he took the driver round a second time, while telling me it wasn’t too late to change my mind. And he meant it. He took Pip the very long way around to hers to help calm her nerves, reassuring her all the way that it was fine for her to be late to her own wedding. There would have been no recompense required for the money and time that had been spent planning such big events, and he wasn’t in the slightest bit bothered what anyone already waiting at the ceremonies would think. And that really is how he approached being our Dad – always giving us the options, and sometimes his guidance, but never so forcefully as to make our decisions for us. He supported our decisions (well most of them!) and didn’t stop us changing our minds. We came first, and when there was any trouble, he was fiercely protective. He had the most expressive face, never more apparent than in the recent weeks, when it was almost his only way of communicating. He still left us in no doubt about his joy that we were there, or his disapproval over new tattoos and hair dye! Dad loved to cook – and he was good at it! He loved music, of many genres. These two loves he has passed onto us, and on to his six Grandchildren. Macaroni Cheese is a firm favourite in both of our families, a meal that Dad taught Pip & I to cook. While making the slightly eclectic play list to help us celebrate his birthday later this afternoon, none of us had any problems choosing the tracks that reminded us of Dad, because of the memories we each had with him. Dad loved a joke and was always happy for a bit of fun. He rode all the roller coasters with us as Disney twelve years ago, not easy for him – but great for us as we got to jump to the front of all the queues on account of his sticks! His resilience and determination were incredible, all of us here will have witnessed that over the last few years. Dad was always ready to offer his wisdom and help to anyone who needed or asked for it. So many of our friends came to Dad when we were growing up, and beyond, and he willingly provided advice and support, even helping people change the direction of their lives, without ever asking anything in return. So many of the friends who have contacted us all over the last couple of weeks, have reminded us of little pieces of wisdom that he imparted to them. And all of them have said that he made them laugh. We will miss his advice and sense of fun too much. “A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there but a guiding light whose love shows us the way” We’re really going to miss you Dad. XX
31st October 2019
Thank you for setting up this memorial to Colin. We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by M Coghlan Ltd on 09/10/2019
I am I and you are you, whatever we were to each other that we still are. Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was.
Extract from a poem by Henry Scott Holland
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